K2's Formatting Excel Spreadsheets The Right Way - On Demand (2 Hours)
Some estimates indicate that business professionals spend as much as half their time in Excel working on formatting. If you are interested in getting better formatting results in less time, participate in this session to learn the best practices for applying formats in Excel.
In this session, you will learn the right way to apply formats in your workbooks. More specifically, you will learn about features such as Custom Format Codes, Templates, Styles, the Accounting Format, Precision as Displayed, date formats, and many others, all of which can save you substantial amounts of time when working in Excel.
Major Topics Covered
- Creating and using Styles in Excel
- The Accounting Format and why you should use it
- How to create Custom Formats
- Formatting dates for maximum impact
- The advantages of storing formats in templates
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the benefits of using Styles for formatting
- Specify which Custom Format codes are necessary for specific situations
- List the advantages of using Excel template files
- Cite examples of when using the Accounting Format is useful
Course Information
Recommended CPE Credit: 2 hours Computer Software and Applications
Prerequisites: Fundamental knowledge of Excel
Program level: Intermediate
Advance preparation: None
Who should attend: Business professionals seeking to work more efficiently and effectively when formatting Excel-based reports
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS on-demand learning, including review and final exam questions. To earn credit, participants must pass the final exam with a score of 70% or better within one year of registering for this course. Participants may attempt take the final exam up to 10 times.